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    We give thanks to our Sovereign LORD, who by His divine grace appointed the beginning of our church in 2002. During that same year, we formally incorporated in Florida as a non-profit corporation (church). Over the following year, we established ourselves, according to the laws of the United States, as a Tax Exempt 501(C)3 non-profit organization. Church on the Rock Assembly is an independent, non-denominational church that relies solely upon the Holy  Scriptures for direction in all matters in this world and the world to come. We began meeting, worshipfully, in the Pastor's home on Resurrection Day, March 31, 2002.  Worship services were held each Sunday and we devoted our time together for deep Bible Study on Friday evenings, too. 
     Then, in June 2008, the Pastor took a three-month sabbatical to refresh and to wait on the Word of the LORD and His provision.  During that time, the Pastor remained active and meeting with family on Sunday mornings. Having been given the opportunity by the LORD for those three months to fully engage in reading and studying, it was a prayerful time to consider the LORD's ministry and His will for our commitment to Him. 

In September 2008, the church congregation began again to assemble together in the Pastor's home. Bible studies and Sunday sermons resumed with a renewed commitment to preach and teach deeply the unadulterated Word of God book by book, verse by verse, and word by word.

     The Pastor remains grateful that God has always faithfully provided, marvelously, to continue this LORD's ministry. Humbly, we remain servants of God and consider ourselves so very blessed to be members, likeminded, of Church on the Rock Assembly.  God has mightily blessed us all.

     Glory to our GREAT GOD.  HalleluJAH


Dr Stuart McCutcheon, Pastor
Church on the Rock Assembly

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